Some of the main rules that the Member States shall be required to implement in time for the Directive transposition date of mid-2026 have to do with pay transparency prior to employment, transparency of pay setting and the employees’ right to information. Pay transparency prior to employment The national legislation that shall transpose the Pay Transparency Directive must ensure that…
Mid-and large size employers should prepare for a revolutionary development in the employment legislation as…
Prezentăm mai jos noutățile legislative aduse în domeniul dreptului muncii prin Ordonanța de urgență nr.…
În contextul instituirii stării de urgență pe teritoriul României și măsurilor dispuse prin Ordonanțele militare se…
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken the Romanian employers by surprise, catching them widely unprepared for…
Ioana Cazacu, avocat colaborator coordonator în cadrul casei de avocatură Popovici Niţu Stoica & Asociaţii…